
Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day. (1 Chronicles 16:23)

Choir musicMusic holds an important place in the worship life of the congregation. The role of music is chiefly to be servant to the Word. This means that the purpose of the music is to assist in the “telling of His salvation,” that is, in the proclamation of the Gospel. The church’s music is not an end to itself, but rather a means by which the Word is communicated and a vehicle for the congregation’s expressions of prayer and praise in response to their Lord.

The Junior Choir for children and teens sings during services, and practices each Thursday evening at 6:30pm.

The congregation usually holds a family dinner on Thursdays from 6:00 to 6:45pm from September to May.

The String Group schedules rehearsals as needed for occasional services.

Guest musicians, both singers and instrumentalists, are also involved from time to time.

The congregation is blessed to have a well-equipped pipe organ. The instrument has a long history, but was most recently completely refurbished by Keates-Geissler, who also installed a new solid-state console.

The music program is led by Mark Veenman, assisted by his daughter Elle Veenman.