Jean Wagner Funeral Details
The funeral of Jean Wagner, the widow of the late Rev. Carl Wagner the third pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, will be at Grace, 136 Margaret Avenue, Kitchener, on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 2PM, followed by a coffee and…
Sunday school and Sunday Bible study Christmas break
Dear members of Grace, Every year during the Christmas holidays we take a two-week break for Sunday school and Adult Bible study and our break this year is for Christmas Day (a Sunday) and New Year’s Day (a Sunday). This…
Sunday School begins September 12th
Dear Parents, Sunday School resumes at Grace on Sunday, September 12th at 9:30AM. Classes this year will be organized in the following groups: JK-Grade 3, Grade 4-Grade 8 and a high school Bible study. Parents familiar to Grace are asked…
Persecuted Christian Refugee Arrives in K-W
Dear Members of Grace, It is with great delight that I can tell you that Grace’s sponsored refugee, a persecuted Christian young man, arrived in Canada at Pearson International Airport last Thursday. Upon his arrival he was granted permanent resident…

Is it really Christ OR doctrine?
To put it another way: do we need to choose between Jesus and Doctrine? We just have to share this from Jason Harris over at his blog. His basic contention is with the “Only love Jesus” crowd, and makes the…
No room at the inn
Alexis Chauvet (1837-1871) wrote an Offertoire for the Third Sunday in Advent, an arrangement of a 15th century French Noël, Nous voici dans la ville. The carol poetically chronicles the excuses offered by various Bethlehem innkeepers to Mary and Joseph, all…