The gift of the land in the Holy Bible
Dear reader, In the Old Testament of the Holy Bible it is clear that the land in which any person lives is a gift from God. All the world is God’s, it is his creation made in the six days…
What is repentance?
Dear reader, If you’ve seen this question on the sign outside the church and come to our website to find the answer, your wisdom has rewarded you. Often, when Jesus preached, especially with parables, the crowds would listen to Jesus…
Funeral of Rev. Carl Wagner, Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 11AM at Grace
Dear members of Grace and members of the synod: Rev. Carl Louis Wagner (1930-2022), the Pastor Emeritus of Grace Lutheran Church, Kitchener, fell asleep in the Lord after a brief illness on Sunday, September 25, 2022. Rev. Wagner’s funeral will…
Sundays back to one 10:45AM Divine Service and Sunday school and Bible studies at 9:30AM
Dear members of Grace and guests, With the province ending all social distancing and capacity mandates and the region ending the face mask by-law, Grace is now going back to its normal one 10:45AM Divine service. The 10:45AM Divine Service…
Even the Suggestion of Robots Leading Worship is a Desecration of the Divine Service
Dear Reader, This week I noticed a BBC news article with a video titled: God and Robots: Will AI transform religion? You can read and watch it here: The article and accompanying video ask if artificial intelligence (AI) and…
Thanksgiving Message from Pastor Korsch
Dear Members of Grace, Please click here to watch a short Thanksgiving message from me: God bless, Pastor Korsch
Gospel of John Bible Study (for Sunday, October 3, 2021)
Dear Members of Grace, This coming Sunday, October 3rd, we will have only one service at 10:45AM, which means that I will be able to lead a Bible study downstairs in the lower auditorium. Please join us downstairs as we…
Gospel of John Bible Study for John 5:16-47 (Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021)
Here are the links for the Bible study this week. John 5:16-18 John 5:19-30 John 5:31-47 Pastor Korsch
Sermon for the Second Sunday after Pentecost
Dear members of Grace, Please double-click here to watch this Sunday’s sermon: God bless, Pastor Korsch
Persecuted Christian Refugee Arrives in K-W
Dear Members of Grace, It is with great delight that I can tell you that Grace’s sponsored refugee, a persecuted Christian young man, arrived in Canada at Pearson International Airport last Thursday. Upon his arrival he was granted permanent resident…
Lutheran Content Online!
Dear members of Grace, The following are a set of links to a great deal of Lutheran Church-Canada content as well as links to other Lutheran websites that offer Lutheran audio/video content or books: Lutheran Church-Canada’s website has all kinds…
Pastoral Letter from Pastor Korsch
Dear members of Grace, Grace and mercy to you all from God our Father and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! The purpose of this letter is to describe to you how the Emergency Declaration by the Region of Waterloo…
Home Worship Resources
Dear Members of Grace, With many Lutheran Church-Canada congregations closed as we are, the synod has put out information that will help your family have devotions at home. You will find the information and other related news in the link…
Waterloo Region Declares Closure of all Churches
Dear Members of Grace, The Region of Waterloo has used its emergency powers to declare the closure of all churches in the Region as of today, March 25, 2020. This is an open-ended declaration so we do not know when…
A Sermon on the Coronavirus: Christ is our Hope and our Life!
Dear members of Grace: May the Lord bless you with His peace and grace during these challenging days of the coronavirus pandemic. The following is my sermon for you which I preached on Sunday, March 15, 2020. If any of…
Understanding the times
We live in confusing times, times that are very different from the days not that long ago of the late nineties and early 2000s. Back then everyone was positive, people were in a good mood, and little mistakes were overlooked…
The Grammar of Holiness: Part 2
You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes that the Lord has spoken to them by Moses. Leviticus 10:10-11…
The Grammar of Holiness: Part 1
Today the average person in the West is losing or has lost a sense for what is holy. While this certainly goes along with a decrease in worship attendance in all Western countries (North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand) this…
Dealing with Anger
As I was going through my seminary notes today in preparation for Sunday’s sermon looking for some of my notes on the gift of the Holy Spirit by Rev. Dr. John Kleinig (a retired Lutheran professor from Australia who taught…
A Pastoral Letter on Marriage for the Young
Dear Readers, The following is a beautiful pastoral letter on marriage meant for young adults from the bishop of our sister church in Germany, the Independent Evangelical Church in Germany. Bishop Hans-Jorg Voigt’s short letter (translated into English) is an encouragement for…
Tabernacle Tour in Cambridge
A full-scale model of the ancient tabernacle is coming to Cambridge for a limited time and you are invited to tour it with Grace Lutheran’s pastor, Rev. Rob Korsch, on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 1PM. Meet Pastor Korsch (who…
Pentecost: The Season of the Church
The Day of Pentecost marks the Sunday seven weeks (49 days) after Easter when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church (Acts 2). On this day God gave the early Christians the gift of the Holy Spirit to…

Pastor’s Epiphany message
Dear Reader, Epiphany is the season of the church after Christmas. Epiphany comes from a Greek word which means to “shine” or to “reveal.” In these days after Christmas when the chocolate and candy bowl at home never seems to…
Pastor’s Christmas Message
Dear Reader, The time leading up to and after Christmas can be a time of mixed emotions for many. Darkness comes earlier in the evening and the temperature drops. Memories of loved one lost this time of year stay with…