Pastor’s Epiphany message

Screen Shot 2013-12-30 at 6.46.41 AMDear Reader,

Epiphany is the season of the church after Christmas.  Epiphany comes from a
Greek word which means to “shine” or to “reveal.”  In these days after
Christmas when the chocolate and candy bowl at home never seems to empty the
scale is revealing that my weight is creeping up as I enjoy all kinds of
treats.  The start of a new year which coincides with epiphany is always a
good time to look at one’s life and think of a few ways to make changes for
the better.  My hope this year is to make better use of my gym membership as
well as making better use of prayer-not for myself but for others and the

During the season of epiphany the theme of the Bible readings during the
church service is the revelation that Jesus Christ is not just a baby boy
born of the Virgin Mary but also the Son of God and so God himself.  Slowly
through the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus is shown to be not
just a man but also God through his various miracles of healing, provision
of food and raising of the dead.  Epiphany is really about considering Jesus
as faithfully described in the Bible by the gospel writers and seeing that
he is not only human like you and I but also our God and Saviour.  For the
gospels show Jesus’ life and then his voluntary, sacrificial death on a
cross outside Jerusalem to forgive you and me and all people of all our
wrongs and mistakes and sin and then be raised from the dead on Easter
Sunday to prove that God the Father accepted His Son’s death for the sin of
the world.

This epiphany and new year God deems to show you more about himself and some
things you never knew about yourself.  God would show you that He is a
merciful and  forgiving God.  He would show you that in Jesus he has paid
the price for your sin and has opened up a safe way to talk to him and know
that he loves you.  He would also reveal to you through Jesus’ resurrection
the sure promise of life after death.  God would also reveal to you this
time of year some things you never knew about yourself: God has a plan
specifically for your life to give you joy and purpose.  God would bring you
into the loving community of his church on earth.  In this community God is
waiting to give you lasting friendships, worthy projects of service for the
good of your neighbour and peace through the good news of Jesus Christ.  May
this season of epiphany be a season where you see anew how much God loves
you in Christ and may the new year be a good one for you and your  family.

Pastor Korsch

P.S. As a post-script, to our new neighbours on Louisa Street: we have been
praying for you!  Ever since we heard about the Victoria Commons building
project we here at Grace have been excited to meet you and have been praying
for your transition to your new Phase 1 town home on Louisa Street.
Attached below is a picture of the state of construction as of the day of
writing of this message, Jan. 5, 2014.  As you can see in the first set of
pictures taken from Louisa Street the second stories have just popped up
over the fence line and we can now see the tops of your new homes.  The
second set of pictures taken from the parking lot of the Canada Post depot
on St. Leger Street shows your homes going up and Grace Lutheran church, the
dark brown building with the chimney on the top right in the background.
The last picture shows some of the heavy machinery on the worksite.  Welcome
to the neighbourhood!  We’re praying for your move now and we hope to meet
you as you move in in February/March of 2014 (that’s when we’re told your
units will be ready).  If you see a man with a black coat on and a clerical
collar walking around in your neighbourhood in the coming months that’s
your’s truly trying to burn off some of the calories I’ve picked up over
Christmas.  If you see me please feel free to say hi as I walk past your
home, it would be a pleasure to meet you.  Blessings, Pastor Korsch

Rev. Robin Korsch, S.T.M.

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
136 Margaret Ave.
Kitchener,  ON N2H 4H9

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