Persecuted Christian Refugee Arrives in K-W

Dear Members of Grace,

It is with great delight that I can tell you that Grace’s sponsored refugee, a persecuted Christian young man, arrived in Canada at Pearson International Airport last Thursday.  Upon his arrival he was granted permanent resident status and now he is finally free from his fear of being persecuted for practicing his Christian faith.  Thanks be to God!

Now that he has permanent resident status, our sponsored refugee is no longer a refugee.  The year-long sponsorship starts now however, and it is our job to help him get settled in Canada, get used to Canadian culture and help him improve his English (it’s pretty good!) and either find a full-time job with the goal of helping him become financially self-sufficient, or help him enrol in post-secondary education so he can earn a Canadian diploma or degree.

For now our friend and brother in Christ is resting and going through his 14-day coronavirus quarantine period.  He’s showing no signs of the virus halfway through his isolation period so it looks like he was able to safely travel between airports without getting the virus.  He’s excited to get out of quarantine and you will be able to meet him at Grace the first Sunday he is allowed to worship with us.

Please keep this young Christian in your prayers and pray that the Lord will help him to adjust to his new country and new life in Canada!

A big thank you to everyone who generously contributed to his trust fund.

In Christ,

Pastor Korsch