The Grammar of Holiness: Part 2
You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes that the Lord has spoken to them by Moses. Leviticus 10:10-11…
The Grammar of Holiness: Part 1
Today the average person in the West is losing or has lost a sense for what is holy. While this certainly goes along with a decrease in worship attendance in all Western countries (North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand) this…
Dealing with Anger
As I was going through my seminary notes today in preparation for Sunday’s sermon looking for some of my notes on the gift of the Holy Spirit by Rev. Dr. John Kleinig (a retired Lutheran professor from Australia who taught…
A Pastoral Letter on Marriage for the Young
Dear Readers, The following is a beautiful pastoral letter on marriage meant for young adults from the bishop of our sister church in Germany, the Independent Evangelical Church in Germany. Bishop Hans-Jorg Voigt’s short letter (translated into English) is an encouragement for…
Tabernacle Tour in Cambridge
A full-scale model of the ancient tabernacle is coming to Cambridge for a limited time and you are invited to tour it with Grace Lutheran’s pastor, Rev. Rob Korsch, on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 1PM. Meet Pastor Korsch (who…
Pentecost: The Season of the Church
The Day of Pentecost marks the Sunday seven weeks (49 days) after Easter when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church (Acts 2). On this day God gave the early Christians the gift of the Holy Spirit to…

Is it really Christ OR doctrine?
To put it another way: do we need to choose between Jesus and Doctrine? We just have to share this from Jason Harris over at his blog. His basic contention is with the “Only love Jesus” crowd, and makes the…

Pastor’s Epiphany message
Dear Reader, Epiphany is the season of the church after Christmas. Epiphany comes from a Greek word which means to “shine” or to “reveal.” In these days after Christmas when the chocolate and candy bowl at home never seems to…