Even the Suggestion of Robots Leading Worship is a Desecration of the Divine Service
Dear Reader, This week I noticed a BBC news article with a video titled: God and Robots: Will AI transform religion? You can read and watch it here: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-58983047 The article and accompanying video ask if artificial intelligence (AI) and…
Sermon for the Second Sunday after Pentecost
Dear members of Grace, Please double-click here to watch this Sunday’s sermon: https://youtu.be/kaQqBNo5HEE God bless, Pastor Korsch
Lutheran Content Online!
Dear members of Grace, The following are a set of links to a great deal of Lutheran Church-Canada content as well as links to other Lutheran websites that offer Lutheran audio/video content or books: Lutheran Church-Canada’s website has all kinds…
Pastoral Letter from Pastor Korsch
Dear members of Grace, Grace and mercy to you all from God our Father and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! The purpose of this letter is to describe to you how the Emergency Declaration by the Region of Waterloo…
A Sermon on the Coronavirus: Christ is our Hope and our Life!
Dear members of Grace: May the Lord bless you with His peace and grace during these challenging days of the coronavirus pandemic. The following is my sermon for you which I preached on Sunday, March 15, 2020. If any of…